July 16, 1964 - March 24, 2022
Bruce Courtenay Bodden Obituary Bruce Courtenay Bodden was born on July 16, 1964, in Madison, WI. His family soon moved to Seattle, WA, where he was raised. His father, Dr. Rodney Bodden, taught Spanish language and literature at the University of Washington, and his mother, Dr. Alison Bodden, was a pediatric anesthesiologist at Children�s Orthopedic Hospital. He was the second of their three children. Bruce began to study the flute in fourth grade and went on to earn a Bachelor of Music in 1986 from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. This is also where he met his future husband, Steven Radcliffe, who was there studying piano. Bruce continued his studies at Boston University and in November 1990 won the position of Principal Flute in the Spokane Symphony Orchestra. He played with the Symphony for 32 seasons in all, including a number of concerto and solo appearances. During that time, he taught flute privately as well as at Holy Names Music Center and Eastern Washington University. He also played Principal Flute for the Des Moines Metro Opera�s Summer Festival from 2001 to 2013. In 2013 he decided to add another career, physical therapy. After earning his Physical Therapy Assistant certification in 2015, he began working as a PTA at Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane. After the law changed in 2012, and having been together 26 years, Bruce and Steven became legally married on June 30, 2014. In 2018, Bruce was diagnosed with cancer, and began a rigorous treatment regimen with Steven at his side, while still playing in the Symphony and working at the hospital. In January of 2022, it became evident that the cancer could no longer be contained. He had had to discontinue his physical therapy work in December. He had played his final concert with the SSO on New Year�s Eve in their annual performance of Beethoven�s Ninth Symphony. Bruce passed away peacefully on March 24, 2022, at Hospice of Spokane. Bruce leaves behind his husband, Steven Radcliffe, his mother Alison (nee Mordecai), his brothers Rodney and Kendall (Sine), of Seattle, WA, and his sister, Leslie Vaughn (Jerome), of Detroit, MI, his father having already passed away. He also leaves seven nieces and two nephews, a host of aunts, uncles, cousins (both Mordecai and Bodden), friends from every step of his journey, former students, and an entire symphony orchestra and physical therapy department that will feel his absence deeply. His husband and extended family would like to thank everyone who has expressed their sympathy and support. If considering a donation to honor Bruce�s memory, please consider the Spokane Symphony Society or the American Cancer Society. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Bruce, please visit our Tree Store