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Carol Smith

January 11, 1944 - July 09, 2020

Carol Smith Obituary Carol Smith (Green) Spokane Valley Smith, Carol Ann (76) in loving memory of Carol Ann Smith (Green) entered the gates of heaven with her Savior Jesus on July 9th 2020, after a long illness with Parkinson and other complications. She was born in Tacoma Washington on January 11th 1944 to Roy and Edna Green and moved to Spokane at age 7. She spent the rest of her life in Spokane and Spokane Valley till she passed away. Preceded in death by her son Scott Tobert, (died shortly after birth) her father and mother, Roy Green (1993) and Edna Green (2000), Ex-husbands Reuben J Smith, (6-10-2016) and Richard C Tobert, (9-8-2017). Carol was a clever and creative woman and adapt well to new or difficult situations. She left home at the age of 14, and had to grow up pretty fast. She picked up odd jobs here and there. One job that she truly loved, was becoming a carhop waitress at a popular restaurant in Spokane Washington. Carol moved on to another job. Even though she was sweet, loving with a beautiful soul, she was kind of a rebel. She was young and needed to survive, so she had to be creative. She wanted to be a bartender, so she fabricated her age to 21, and became an amazing bartender at the age of 19. She even told her first husband that she was older than she was when they first met, but of course she came clean as time went on. She loved to tell the family about it, but otherwise she was closed lip. Carols first husband was Richard C Tobert they were married from 1960 then divorced in 1966. Carol married her second husband Reuben J. Smith in 1967 and divorced in 1989. She valued her friendship with both her ex husbands with a caring heart. Even though they were divorced, she still loved them. She is survived by her daughter Rhonda L Berg, and her ex husband Robert. Her son Richard B Tobert, and his wife Sharon. Carol had 5 grandchildren: Joshua Berg, Aaron Berg, Sasha Johnson, Ashley Tobert and Kayanna Johnson. Carol earned her realtors license in 1971. She was a natural when it came to selling real estate. In 1976 Carol and a friend named Linda Hartfield, started their own real estate company called, Discovery Homes Real Estate. Then by the early 1980�s, the market slowed way down. To make matters worse, they were sued by some out of state company for name infringement of the business name, �Discovery Homes�. Eventually she got out of real estate, and tried a few other things. Then in 1983 she landed a 10 year career with the Spokane City Chamber of Commence. She earned the title of Membership Manager of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce. In the mid 1990�s, Carol left the Chamber. A short period of time she had two marketing kiosk machines, one in Spokane Sheraton Hotel and another in Seattle at a Sheraton Hotel. Then she opened up her own business in the North town mall called Echo of Fashions, and things didn�t go as planned. So around 1997, she had her last career as the Site Manager for Valley Self Storage in the Valley East Self Storage until she finally retired 2012. Carol will be deeply missed. She had a golden heart not only for her family and friends, but for the love of her cats. She would share many stories about her fur babies. The ones that knew Carol know that she would walk into a room, and light it up. She always had the biggest smile on her face. Carol always looked forward going to gatherings whether it was her family, friends or her church, as well eating delicious food. She walked our earth with such a positive vibes and energy. Now she will walk our heavens. To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Carol, please visit our Tree Store



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