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Charles William and Dorothy Madaline Payne

July 14, 2018 - April 03, 2019

Charles William And Dorothy Madaline Payne Obituary Dorothy Madaline Payne passed away April 3, 2019 at the age of 95. Her beloved husband, Charles William Payne passed away July 14, 2018 at the age of 94. Both were born in Troy, Idaho; they married on September 18, 1947. Charles was in the Armed Forces during WWII and retired from Kaiser Aluminum as a brick mason. Dorothy was a homemaker, staying home to raise their children. Charles enjoyed planting flowers, gardening and tinkering with tools to make or fix things. Dorothy loved to cook and listen to Country Western music. Both loved to dance and sure could cut a rug back in their day. They both loved spending time with their grandkids. The love they had for each other and their family was something to be admired. Charles is survived by his brother, Ralph (Shirley). Dorothy is survived by her brother, Earl (Irene). Both are survived by daughters, Jan (Bud) and Vickey (Russ); granddaughter, Tina (Sean); great-granddaughter, Breanna (Vince); great-great-grandchildren, Kinley and Kaden; grandchildren, Terry, Roxanne, Mick, Todd, Wendy, Kami, Doug, Shane; and many great-grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Both are preceded in death by their sons, Doug and Randy and daughter, Diane. Charles was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Mary; and sister, Dorothy. Dorothy was preceded by her parents, Joe and Bessie; sisters, Fern and Phyllis; and brother, Bob. To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Charles William and Dorothy Madaline , please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events APR 3



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