June 10, 1942 - April 11, 2019
David Franklin Compton Jr. Obituary Compton, David F. (Age 76), known affectionately as Dave, was born on June 10, 1942 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Dave graduated from Hempfield High School in 1960, then went on to receive a degree in civil engineering from Penn State University and a master�s degree from Golden Gate University. After graduation, Dave joined the U.S. Air Force. During his time in the USAF, Dave received many medals and honors, eventually retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Once he retired from the USAF, Dave started working with the Spokane Youth Sports Association (SYSA) where he coordinated the youth baseball program and assigned soccer officials, where he continued for the next twenty years. A short description of Dave�s life will never be able to do him justice. Dave had a huge heart and made friends wherever he went. Just mentioning his name around town elicits fond smiles and exclamations of �Oh, I know Dave!� He was fond of trivia, sports (no matter how fast paced, or slow), making mixed cds for his family and friends, and was an amateur photographer who loved to share stories and pictures of his family and friends. Dave was always willing to lend a helping hand whenever he was able. Dave passed away early Thursday morning, April 11th, 2019. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Betsy, his 2 sons, Mike and Dan, his daughter-in-law, Leah, as well as 5 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Dave will be sorely missed by all who knew him. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of David , please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events APR 11