December 27, 2006 - May 29, 2022
Douglas 'DJ' Wong Obituary Loved and missed beyond words~ Never could one know love more powerful or a loss more immense. Though our hearts are irreparably shattered, our love for you DJ will forever endure unfaltering and fierce. DJ Wong passed away on May 29, 2022 at his home. DJ was born to Ashley Millar and James Wong on December 27, 2006, in Spokane, WA. DJ was part of the Mead School District family from preschool onward. After graduating he wanted to see and experience every corner of this big beautiful world. DJ loved to hike and explore, exercise, sing, chat with friends, play video games, eat the spiciest foods, study history of many origins, create art, and practice voice acting. DJ is survived by his Father James Wong, Mother Ashley Millar, his Brothers Duncan Wong and Parker Millar, his Sister Camille Millar, Grand Father Tao Wong, Grand Mother Kin Wong, and many loving Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, and his favorite little Niece Taya. DJ is proceeded in death by his Grammy Holly Martin, his Beloved Grandpa Doug Millar, his Great Aunt Vickie Willis, and her son Otis Willis. DJ presented this world with all-encompassing acceptance, compassion, thoughtfulness, kindness, and a flare that was magic, and beautiful to experience. He approached others with tenderness and understanding, and when you met him, you knew that you immediately became a more loved and special person on the spot. Losing a truly good person is a loss to us all, our hearts and souls will ache for you DJ for the rest of our lives. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Douglas, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events JUN 21 Funeral Service Tuesday, June 21, 2022 11:30AM Heritage Funeral & Cremation 508 North Government Way Spokane, WA 99224 Get Directions View Map Text Email All are welcome to stay for light refreshments following the service. JUN 21 Graveside Tuesday, June 21, 2022 4:30PM Fairmount Memorial Park 5200 W Wellesley Ave, Spokane, WA 99205 Get Directions V