November 23, 1933 - February 08, 2020
Ethel Marie Moser Obituary Ethel Marie Moser passed away Saturday, February 8th at her home in Spokane, WA in her husband�s arms. She is survived by her husband of 65 years Clarence Moser. Ethel was born November 23, 1933 in Frederick, SD. Ethel and Clarence had two children, Don their first child was born in Oxford, England where they were in the Air Force, Barbara was born in California also while they were in the Air Force. They have five grandchildren. Ethel and Clarence spent 28 years in the service and their last assignment was at Fairchild Air Force Base and that�s when they decided to retire. After three tours in Europe and 13 different moves they found Washington their favorite place, bought a new home and have been here ever since for 42 years. They celebrated their 65th anniversary January 14, 2020. There will be a funeral service Thursday, February 20th at 12:30 PM at Heritage Funeral Home, 508 N. Government Way, Spokane, WA 99224. There will be a graveside service to follow at Greenwood Memorial Terrace on Thursday, February 20th at 2:00 PM. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Ethel, please visit our Tree Store