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Jack Hill

April 24, 1929 - October 11, 2022

Jack Hill Obituary Kathleen Doggett Hill was born in Peck, Kansas on June 3, 1936 to Kenneth C. and Hazel G. Doggett. One older sister, Dianne and one younger sister, Dixie have preceded Kathleen. Youngest brother Kenneth A. Doggett resides with his wife Karen in Polson, Montana. Kathleen lost her battle with cancer and other ailments and passed on March 21, 2021, on the 65th anniversary of her marriage with Jack L. Hill. Her family had moved from the panhandle of Oklahoma in the 1940�s to follow opportunity to live and farm in the Spokane area. Kathleen grew up in various houses and farms in Spokane, Valley Ford, and Colbert. Her father, Kenneth C. (KC) delivered milk for Broadview and Carnation Dairies before buying a dairy farm in Colbert, at the same time that Kathleen was attending college at Eastern Washington State College in 1956. Prior to college, she had volunteered at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane as a �candystripe� nursing assistant. Kathleen and Jack met each other on a double date, ending up not with who they went with. They were married while completing degrees in Education, and shortly after graduation gave birth to their first son, Karl in 1957. While living in a trailer park in north Spokane, Jack drove truck hauling raw materials for his uncle until pursuing an opportunity to assist in opening a new Goodyear store in Renton, WA. The family grew to include 2 more boys, Scott and Mark. Mark had an unfortunate accident, chocking on a pebble and deceased at age 3 years in 1964. The family lived in the Renton � Kent area until returning to Spokane in 1967, where Kathleen had the opportunity to teach 1-2-3 grades in the 2 room school at Greenbluff (still standing). When more classrooms were added to the Colbert school, she began teaching First grade until retiring after 31 years of giving early learners a good start. She loved teaching the First grade, and was certainly a positive influence on them as many had revisited and requested that their own children attend her classroom. Jack Lorn Hill was born in Union Gap, Washington to Floyd E. and Edna N. Hill on April 24, 1929 following older sister Nona and younger brother Floyd (Sonny) came later. Dad Floyd drove truck mostly, and worked as the family followed a construction company building some of the many highways and roads that we travel today in the Inland Northwest. After that nomadic work, Floyd and Edna purchased a ranch farm in the Fruitland, WA. area where the kids grew up, and were schooled at Hunters, WA. Their pictures still hang in the gymnasium of the (newer) school with their graduating classes. After graduating high school in 1947, Jack joined the Air Force in 1948, and served approximately 4 1/2 years as an engine and aircraft mechanic and instructor, attaining the rank of Sergeant. While instructing mechanics in Texas, the entire group was shipped directly to South Korea, where he spent the remaining time until Honorable discharge. After that, he worked as driver and mechanic for his uncle�s trucking company until enrolling and graduating with a degree in Education from EWSC along with Kathleen. After moving back to Spokane from Kent, he worked as a shop and field mechanic for Adams Tractor, and later as Fleet Manager and mechanic for Inland Power & Light Co. After that, he built and opened his own small engine equipment and repair shop in Deer Park, WA. until retirement. Jack was Scout Master for a troop of Boy Scouts until after both Karl & Scott had earned the rank of Eagle, leading the troop on many outdoor camping adventures throughout the years. He loved showing how to whittle with his pocket knife, which he learned as a young boy in Fruitland. Jack and Kathleen both were extensively involved in the Masonic fraternity, with Deer Park Lodge, and Jack was Master for several times. They both were members of Bethlehem Chapter OES as Worthy Matron and Patron and Deputy Instructor, Jack was also an honored member of the Valley of Spokane Scottish Rite, El Katif Shrine, Grand Lodge of Washington as Deputy and one year as Grand Marshal. Kathleen spent many years as Past Queen with El Karnak Temple of the Daughters of the Nile. They traveled to events and meetings throughout the state and beyond into Idaho and Canada for many years together. In their retirement years, Jack & Kathleen traveled extensively in their motorhome around the U.S. including a road trip with a group to Alaska. They loved to travel with groups and share the experience and fellowship, especially with the local Masonic travel club before broad ranging trips with a national group. At first, they did not stay anywhere longer than 2 or 3 weeks, but did eventually stay a few months at a time in the winters in Arizona. They built several houses as they progressed the years since a small old rented farmhouse on Greenbluff, eventually building a large shop with small apartment house on the (originally) Doggett farm in Colbert. Failing health led to moving into the Riverview Retirement facility for assisted care until the passing of each of them, Kathleen on March 21, 2021 and Jack on October 11, 2022. They said many times over the years that they were blessed to have so many friends in Masonry, and they enjoyed the entire time. To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Jack , please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events OCT 27 Memorial Service Thursday, October 27, 2022 1:30PM Heritage Funeral & Cremation 508 North Government Way Spokane, WA 99224 Get Directions View Map Text Email OCT 27 Graveside Thursday, October 27, 2022 2:30PM Riverside Memorial Park 508 N Government Way Spokane, WA 99224 Get Directions V



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