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Lillian Ruth Kulju Freeman

May 20, 1927 - December 27, 2020

Lillian Ruth Kulju Freeman Obituary This is what mom has put together for Grandma�s bio. Feel free to edit as you see fit. We trust you! -- John Lillian Ruth Kulju Freeman: Born 5-20-1927, died at home 12-27-2020. She was born in Rock, Michigan in the upper peninsula to a Finnish family with 8 brothers and 1 sister. Her sister died before she was born. Lillian was the 7th child to John and Fanny Kulju. She met her 2nd husband, Carroll Freeman, in October of 1968. In her later years, she said she wanted to be buried next to her best friend in Spokane Memorial Gardens. However due to her deteriorating condition, she was unable to remember his name. Lillian is survived by her only daughter, Linda Mill, her grandchildren, Boone and John Mill, and her great grandson Isiah Mill. She is also survived by her daughter in law, Rebecca Mill and her only living brother, Onni Kulju. �We will surely miss you mom. Enjoy your new life in heaven with our heavenly father. See you later. Love Linda� To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Lillian, please visit our Tree Stor



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