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Mason Arlo "Warrior" Brose

May 15, 2021 - October 22, 2023

Mason Arlo "Warrior" Brose Obituary Mason Arlo ?Warrior?? Brose was born 16 weeks early in Spokane, WA on May 15th, 2021. He was born to Rachel & Izaac Brose at 1lb 8oz, 13.9? long. Our warrior battled one obstacle after another, miraculously conquering never ending surgeries, procedures, infections and multiple health challenges. Little miracle Mason graduated the NICU after 6 long months of fighting and was able to finally come home for the first time. He faced it all with amazing grace, smiling through the trials with an incredible will to live. His final fight ended October 22nd, 2023. He was surrounded by family and a mighty community lifting him in prayer, support, encouragement and love. He proved his tenacity when he pulled through his 1st surgery at 1 week old, only 1 1/2lbs. Then continued to show us his perseverance a week later facing a 2nd surgery, and 2 months later with the 3rd. He sustained chronic lung disease, metabolic bone disease, and extreme short gut syndrome. He had an incredible medical team that gave him outstanding care. Rachel & Izaac took on being his at-home-care team with such grace, strength and dedication. He was blessed with his little brother, Jackson, at 13 months old. They were an inseparable pair that bounced joy off of each other. Mason?s health was fragile, but his spirit was strong and brave. His smile lit up the room and the sweet sound of his laugh echoed off of the walls. We will miss the games he played and his great big hugs. Mason would always light up with a crunchy piece of bacon and a game of peekaboo. His joyful spirit left an imprint, permanently changing?improving?the pattern of the world. That imprint will remain forever. May he be resting in peace with angels by his side. We will be celebrating his life at Heritage Funeral Home Wednesday, November 1st at 3pm with reception to follow.



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