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Maynard Alanson Cutler

March 07, 1923 - December 03, 2018

Maynard Alanson Cutler Obituary Maynard Alanson Cutler died peacefully of natural causes on December 3, 2018 at the age of 95. Maynard was born in 1923 in Spokane, Washington to Royal and Phoebe Cutler who raised vegetables on Orchard Prairie and were known for their Cutler Carrots. He was the fifth of six children: Lucile, Alice, Royal Jr., Virginia, and Byrdella Cutler. Maynard attended Whitman College where he met and married Mary Peringer, who would be his friend and companion in all aspects of life for 67 years. After college they traveled with their jeep and tent trailer to Madison, Wisconsin where Maynard studied for a doctorate in physics. After receiving his master�s degree and the birth of their first son, however, they decided to return to Orchard Prairie to farm with his father. The family grew to six children and they eventually moved to land near Nine Mile Falls where he developed a successful wheat and bluegrass seed farm. He farmed for a time with his brother-in-law Robert Eisenbarth, and later with his two sons Kit and Robert Cutler. He also worked with Eisenbarth to develop a residential neighborhood along the Spokane River, where they built much of the infrastructure themselves. As a young man, Maynard had been fascinated by radios and the inventions and scientific discoveries of the day. His scientific mindset allowed him to approach a project with a �let�s try this and see what happens� attitude. This may have led to his philosophy, �Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.� Maynard was a private man socially but loved connecting with people through activities. Horseshoes, ping pong, croquet, touch football, volleyball, tennis, baseball, skiing, hockey � a family gathering without a game or sport (or ice cream bars) was not much of a gathering in his opinion. And most anytime, you could count on him to have an old tin lid in his pocket ready to flip like a tiny Frisbee. Maynard was an independent thinker and did what he thought was right, even if it was not popular. He was a man of strong principles and spent many hours addressing things that he felt were unreasonable or unfair. He lived his life in search of the truth and had a faith in the underlying order of the universe. Maynard was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Mary Peringer Cutler. He is survived by his younger sister Byrdella (Robert) Eisenbarth as well as his six children and their spouses: Maynard (Sherry) Cutler, Jr., Dan (Kathy) Cutler, Kit (Kristin) Cutler, Robert (Jill) Cutler, Judy (Mark) Milliette, and Katie (Tom) Talbott. He is also survived by 13 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. He will be deeply missed. To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Maynard, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events DEC 3



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