March 22, 1937 - December 08, 2018
Michael Joseph Crandell Obituary (Age 81) The Good Lord has welcomed another United States Marine into Heaven. Michael Joseph Crandell (�Mike�) was born March 22, 1937, to Leslie and Dee Crandell in Lewiston, Idaho. Mike passed into the lovely arms of the Lord on December 8, 2018. Mike worked for Safeway in high school. Mike graduated from North Central High School in 1955. Upon graduation from high school, Mike joined the United States Marine Corps. Mike was proud to have served his country and his family was immensely proud of him for doing so. Mike did his basic training in San Diego, California. From there, Mike did a tour of duty on Okinawa Island. After returning to the United States from his tour of duty with the Marine Corps, he met and married the love of his life Sharron (Miller) Crandell of Olympia, Washington. Mike and Sharon enjoyed 62 years together. Mike spent the next 7 years of his life being stationed at Camp Pendleton, California and Bremerton, Washington. All of Mike�s three children were born while he was in the Marines. Mike eventually earned the rank of Sergeant. Mike was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps, in August of 1964, but remained forever a Marine. Semper Fi. Upon entering civilian life, Mike and Sharron returned to Spokane and bought their first home in 1965. Mike�s first job in Spokane was waiting for him with Kaiser Aluminum in personnel. While working and raising a family, Mike took on the difficult task of also being a college student. Mike attended Whitworth University and in 1973 received a bachelor�s degree in business administration, while also finding time to coach Little League Baseball. In 1972, Mike (always the adventurer) took a job offer from Peter Kiewit in Conrad, Montana. In 1973, Mike was transferred to New Orleans, Louisiana. In 1974, Mike decided to take a job with McMillan and Sons in Kennewick, Washington. In late 1974, Mike decided to take a job with CIT Corporation. This new job allowed Mike and Sharron to move the family back to Spokane, Washington. Mike served as District Manager for some years and was later promoted to Assistant Vice President. Mike was later transferred to Shreveport, Louisiana. In 1987, Mike and Sharron decided to return to Spokane, Washington. Mike accepted a job with Orix Finance and retired in June of 1999. Upon retirement, Mike and Sharron bought a motor home and traveled with their dog J.R. for some years. Mike enjoyed fishing and reading. Mike also enjoyed gardening and had a prize winning pumpkin at the Spokane Fair one year. Mike is survived by his wife Sharron and three children: daughter Lesley Hartley (Mike), daughter Suzzette Cardero Tombari, and son Michael Shawn Crandell. Mike�s brother Dan Crandell also survives him, along with four grandsons, two great grandchildren and many nephews and nieces. Mike was predeceased by his parents and Sharron�s parents, and three sisters. Mike�s memory will always remain in the hearts and minds of his family. The family requests that any memorial contributions to Mike�s memory be made to the House of Charity or United States Marine Corp. Toys for Tots. A private memorial service will be held for Mike in the spring of 2019 at the Spokane Veterans Cemetery. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Michael, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events DEC 8