July 09, 1953 - November 12, 2019
Norma Sue Holstrom Obituary Holstrom, Norma Sue was born on July 19, 1953 and was the 7th of 14 children in the family of Clarence and Rose Wulff. Norma lost her battle with ovarian cancer and passed away peacefully in her sleep on the morning of November 12th with her husband by her side. She was a beautiful lady that had a quiet grace and elegance about her, with eyes that could melt your heart and an infectious smile that made you feel warm and comfortable just being around her. But if crossed she could be as hard as nails. Growing up she remembered all the kids working in the big garden, packing the kids, 3 deep, in an old Chevy going to the orchards in central Washington to pick apples, harvesting strawberries in her grandparents field, canning food for the winter, packing water twice a day to the house from the creek and the cold trips to the outhouse in the winter. Her mother was a self-taught piano player and she and her sisters would sing along. She loved her many brothers and sisters and they loved her. She attended schools in Incheleium, Marcus, Kettle Falls, and a one-room school in Williams Lake. When the Wulff family left Williams Lake the school closed due to lack of students. She quit school to get married and have her son, Monte, who is the light of her life and she did the best she could providing for him. Norma obtained her GED, worked part-time in the office of the National Guard, attended the Glen Dow Academy, graduated, traveled to Seattle and successfully passed the test for cosmetology. In May of 1979 she met Val Holstrom. He thought he could impress her by telling her he drove a Semi. She wasn�t impressed as she had known a couple of truckers. At first, she wasn�t sure about this man but he earned her trust and love and they were married in 1982. Through love, admiration, mutual respect and hard work they built a loving marriage and had two daughters, Amanda and Valda. She said not only do we love each other, we genuinely like each other and we are best friends. They were inseparable throughout their marriage. It didn�t matter where they went as long as they were together, going out to dinner, driving in the afternoon or even grocery shopping, they just liked spending time together. Several years ago one of their daughter�s friends commented that they still hold each other�s hands wherever they go, like they just met. Never one to stand still, she lived life to the fullest. She loved the slots, the Crab Pot restaurant, and being with her friends and family. Norma loved to travel with her husband taking trips to Alaska, Hawaii, Cancun, the Bahamas, Puerto Vallarta, Canada, Florida and Las Vegas to name a few. Val said his greatest joy was watching her have fun on trips. Norma was wide eyed with excitement, full of contagious energy, it was like watching a kid in a candy store and Norma just ate up the experience. She loved camping and they vacationed for 38 years on the same lake in their �special campsite�. This became a family tradition and eventually grew to include some of her sisters, brothers, nephews and their families, all were welcome. In August Norma would take her grandchildren on weeklong trips to the Oregon Coast, Redwood Forest, Olympic Peninsula, etc, as an end to the summer. She took her girls to their dance classes, recitals, sports practices, games and tournaments all over Washington, Oregon and Idaho. She enjoyed attending her grandkids events and programs. She worked at various jobs, hair stylist, Spokane International Airport, the Breadbasket, 13 years as a Cook for the Freeman School District and lastly as a Phlebotomist at Deaconess until cancer forced her to retire. She had an open house and worked tirelessly making her house a loving home for her family, grandchildren, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. Norma had a love for her life, a big heart and was fiercely loyal to her family and friends and would drop everything to help a person in need. Her greatest joy and pride are her 3 children, Monte, Amanda, and Valda, her 8 grandchildren, Steven Clark, Monte Judd Jr., Cole Judd, Emily and Alan Smith, Amaris, Geneviv and Madison Hagen and her two great grandchildren, Shyianne and Takoda Clark. The family would like to especially thank Dr. Grosen for the excellent treatment and care given to Norma during her battle with cancer and Hospice House for their compassionate and gentle care during her last days on earth. Services will be held at the Valleyford Church in Valleyford Washington on Saturday, November 23rd at 10 am with a graveside service to follow at Mica Creek Cemetery. � To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Norma, please visit our Tree Store. Read more Events NOV 12