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Pat Fern Cook

December 11, 1930 - February 10, 2022

Pat Fern Cook Obituary Pat Cook passed away on February 10, 2022, at 2:00 am. Born in Spokane, December 11, 1930, to Walter and Vera Hite (Ostland), growing up on a farm near Marshall, visiting friends arrived with instruments to make music. She graduated from Lewis and Clark High School. She loved singing and playing flute. During Spokane�s Expo 74 she would sing in Spanish with the Mariachis at the Mexican pavilion. Chuck and Pat were married at First Presbyterian Church of Spokane in 1949 and started out living in their apartment at Cook�s Roller Rink in Dishman operating it until it was sold. She and Chuck lived in California for 20 years where Pat worked as an executive secretary for Northrop - Grumman. She took part in the development of the B2 bomber. She was an annoyance to some of her bosses for correcting their sloppy writing but eventually they came to rely on her to �rewrite this Pat�s way�. They retired to Liberty Lake WA in 1995. Pat, her sisters Peggy Broyles and Lana Prochnow sang at church and retirement homes. Sisters visiting Pat�s home would harmonize at the lakeshore. Pat is predeceased by her husband Chuck. Pat is survived by sons: Skip, Randy, Rich and predeceased by her son Steve. She is also survived by her brothers Don, Len, sister Lana, and predeceased by brothers David, Dan, and sister Peggy. She has six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Pat, please visit our Tree Store



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