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Sibyl Fliger

December 19, 1923 - April 10, 2022

Sibyl Fliger Obituary Sibyl Marie Fliger December 9, 1923 ? April 10, 2022 With great sorrow, we are announcing the gentle passing of our beloved Mother, Sibyl Marie Fliger, at 98 years old, in her own lovely home. We, her daughters, were blessed to be her full-time caregivers until God called her to her Heavenly home. She just wore out (CHF). Sibyl was born in New Hampton, Iowa on December 9, 1923 to her proud parents, Severt and Henrietta Roberson. She grew up with an older brother and three younger sisters on a truly pastoral farm, filled with animals, a bubbling creek, climbing trees and fields of corn that stretched on forever. Sibyl preferred cooking, baking, and other in-house activities, to tending animals. However, the four girls had lots of boisterous fun. She attended New Hampton High School and was a much sought-after date as, even at that early age, she was stylish, poised, and elegant. Once she met the handsome, charismatic ?man of her dreams,? Manley Fliger, it was love at first sight until death parted them, after 70 ? years of marriage, when Manley died (2016). Sibyl endured her share of tragedy. After WWII in which Manley?s B24 was shot down, he was reported MIA. Also, a horrendous car accident took her Mother?s life and severely injured her father and 2 sisters. Mama settled into her married life, January 26, 1946, with her true love, Manley. They welcomed 3 children, Nanette, Kristin, and Jay. We were a strong happy family as Daddy was a SAC USAF Officer for 28 years. Fond memories abound! A couple of our favorites include years of water skiing. One particularly amusing incident was when Mama was driving the boat- when she heard ?Hit it!? so she did at top speed. She jerked Daddy and his best friend right out of their skis! She never wanted to dock the boat! We also remember years of fun times, in our camper trailer?Daddy?s stories, S?mores on the grill, playing board games and being safely tucked into our little family cocoon. The Fligers retired to Spokane, WA, ?God?s Country? in 1969. Mama worked a short time at Bon Marche? but was recruited by Nordstrom?s to work for them at their new Spokane store. Due to her amazing work ethic, style, poise, and management skills, she made the honor of ?Pace Setter? each year for 14 years. She loved her retail career and made many friends among her coworkers and customers alike! She and daddy loved to travel during retirement. Among their globe trotting destinations were Hong Kong, Venezuela, UK, Scandinavia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Hawaii, Alaska, and of course, back to the mid west. Proud of joyful celebrations were the births of their grandchildren, David, Jeffrey, Shay, Meighan, Claire, and great- grandchildren, Trenton, Caleb, Austin and Ava. A passion throughout life was playing Bridge and in retirement, they enjoyed golf. Mama was a walker and participated in Bloomsday through last year- placing number 1 for her age group and younger groups! Mama was a special lady. Throughout her life, she walked with Christ, cherished Manley, was a fierce ?Mama Bear? and she was the most self-disciplined woman ever. She managed life with grace and unbelievable strength. Now her faithful life has been rewarded when her Heavenly Father wrapped His loving arms around her and guided her into Heaven to be greeted by Jesus, Daddy and all her family and friends. Mama, you were always the Best Mother Ever and you will always be with us in our hearts. We love you, Mama, and feel so blessed to have had you with us and we know for certain we will be together again, in Heaven. Sibyl is survived by her children, Nanette (Henry Bishop), Kristin (James Guyette), and Jay Fliger. A Celebration of Mama?s Life will be held on: Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 11 am, with a luncheon following at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 2733 W NW Blvd, Spokane WA 99205. A graveside service will follow, for those who wish to attend. If one wishes to do so: donations may be made, in her name to Pilgrim Lutheran Church and flowers be delivered to Pilgrim, Thursday and Friday the 21st and 22nd between 8am-1pm.



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