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Vicki Jeanette Riggs

August 25, 1958 - February 27, 2020

Vicki Jeanette Riggs Obituary God Blessed Vicki Jeanette (Croston) Riggs to James Frank and Marjorie Alice (Nield) Croston on August 25, 1958 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Angels were sent to bring her to heaven on February 27, 2020. Vicki has a very large loving family that she cherished immensely. Surviving is her dear mother Marjorie Alice Croston. She was blessed with and is survived by two wonderful daughters, Stacy Lee (Babcock) Haugen and Jolene Marie (Babcock) Krupke, and three adored sons, Shawn Christian Gunderson, Dwayne Anthony Gunderson and Jeromy Lane Riggs. Those children blessed Vicki with one precious granddaughter, Karley Mae Gunderson, and three delightful grandsons, Eligh Rylan Haugen, Dustin Robert Gunderson, and Taeryn Cole Haugen. She shared her life with one treasured sister, Linda Diane (Croston) Penning (Don), and three amazing brothers, Jim Thomas Croston, Rodney Jay Croston (Gay, sister by heart), and Stanley John Croston (Sherry), as well as many loved and loving nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Vicki met her son Zacheriah Cole Riggs, her son by heart Bryan Keith Haugen, her dad James Frank Croston, and her brother Dwayne Lee Croston in heaven. She rejoined a lot of loved ones including her beloved Grandparents and Grandma and the one almighty Lord. Vicki?s children, grandchildren and children of her heart were her life?s work. She loved them deeply and was always fiercely protective. She held them close in her arms as babes, and then in her heart when they were grown. Her wisdom, unwavering love and light provided them with the foundation and building blocks they needed. Her love was constant, and she could always be turned to. In joy or sorrow, frustration and pain, or happiness; she was there, unconditionally offering everything that made her special. Vicki was an incredibly gifted soul. Her creativity and love of crafting led to an abundance of projects and ideas. She roped us into doing many of her ideas with her, always creating treasured moments and memories. She loved making pretty things that sparkled, but never as much as she did. She was famous for her cake decorating, sugar eggs, beading, and costuming. She decorated the most amazing cakes for all occasions, often collaborating with her sister and children. She loved sharing her creativity with those close to her, and we all reaped the benefits. Whenever she got an idea in her head there was bound to be glitter. She loved all kinds of music and being sung to by her daughters and nieces. We turned that love into many memories of singing together and sharing the joy with others in beautiful costumes. Vicki added her own unique brand, a particular flair and flavor, to everything she had in her hands, from decorating her home with beautiful things to making holidays extra magical and turning a mundane occasion into a glittering celebration. She especially touched the treasured people around her, her friends and family. She accepted people as themselves and unconditionally. She brought so much joy and love to life! We will miss her special touch in our lives. No words can be said to describe how deeply the loss will be felt by all. Angels surrounded her throughout her life be they earthly bound or flying free with God to lift her up. There will be a family gathering at Sarah and Caaden Chapman's on Friday 3/13 in lieu of our traditional family night. 5 pm. The viewing for Vicki will be held on Saturday 3/14 at 11 am. Services will follow at 1 pm. Heritage Funeral home 508 N. Government Way, Spokane, WA 99224. Vicki will be cremated following her services, so the interment will be held on 3/20 at 2:30 pm at the Riverside Memorial cemetery adjacent to the funeral home.



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